Submission is a seven foot tall, leather bop bag in the shape of The Canada Council for the Arts logo. This project is meant to emphasize the relationship between institutions and artists through physical contact. Actions of affection and aggression mimic the emotions involved in the process of constantly applying for funding, recognition and exposure.
Step into the Ring, 2012, Video Still
Submission, 2012, Leather, vinyl inflatable, upholstery foam, lead shot, 30” x 42” x 84”
Installation View, Throw Down, AGGV, 2012
Submission Maquette, 2010, leather, polyester fill, lead shot
Submission Concept Drawings, 2010
Step into the Ring, installation view
Step into the Ring
Two contenders, Submission (the sculpture) and I, walk into frame and face each other. In cue with the music we make physical contact that is both intimate and aggressive. The action continues until I assume the giant logo is conquered. Little do I know that it will pop back up and reclaim control.
Step into the Ring, 2012, HD Single channel video, 0:57, Quicktime, with sound, looped